Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Assassination in St Petersburg! The Tsar is dead!

On the 13 March 1881 (1 March in the Russian old style calendar) Tsar Alexander II was assassinated. His carriage was bombed in St Petersburg by the group known as People’s Will. Initially the bombs missed their target but, when the Tsar insisted on leaving his carriage to check on

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At least they had a Nice honeymoon before the march to war

On February 14, 1914, my maternal grandparents, Paul and Olga Woronoff (neé Countess Kleinmichel) were married in the Feodorovsky Cathedral in Tsarskoye Selo – I have written about their wedding here and talked about it here on YouTube. So 108 years ago they would have been on their honeymoon. I

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He Protected His Family and Estates from the Ravages of War

One of my more interesting ancestors, who I must do more research about, is my six times paternal great grandfather, Carl von Fircks. Thank goodness my cousin Wolf Lackschewitz published the Fircks genealogical records, from which I have taken information below. Carl von Fircks was born, married, died and was

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What is the connection between horses and cryptic captions?

I am not sure which is more frustrating – old photographs which are not identified at all, or written on in any way, or old photographs which are not identified but have cryptic captions written on them. Especially when those captions are written in almost undecipherable handwriting! Even more especially

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