Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Fifty-six Birthdays

Today I celebrated my fifty-sixth birthday and have embarked on my fifty seventh year here on earth. It got me thinking of the many things which have happened since I was born. In the 1960’s Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space. Construction began on the Berlin Wall. The

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One is the loneliest number

I am an only child. No matter how many wishes I wished in my childhood, this didn’t change. It was only later in life my father told me I was a mistake, which answered many questions for me. After his death I found a letter written to him by my

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Sticks and Stones

My mother often quoted “sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you” to me as I was growing up, usually after I had suffered some form of torment at school. After the first couple of incidents, the saying no longer comforted me. My father would

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My 3 R’s – Reading, Writing and Research

Three of my favourite things – reading, writing and research are also the most time consuming, frustrating and difficult of all my pursuits. Why you ask should reading be frustrating or difficult? Try reading in a foreign language! It is most exasperating when the only way you can read an

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Every now and again our bodies remind us just how far we can push them before they take charge. I reached my limit last Friday when a couple of my workmates decided I should go home about an hour and a half after I started work. I must have looked

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Children’s books I loved

I have already written about books and how they have always been a major part of my life. My parents loved books. My maternal grandparents, the only grandparents I knew, loved books. My grandmother wrote a book on her life, which was published, and many short stories which were not.

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