Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Write Places – In the Sky

I’m not the type of writer who believes there is only one place suitable to write – wherever their place of preference may be. Rather, I believe different places provide their own suitability for writing, some may even provide motivation in their own right. Flying back from my recent holiday

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Fear is swirling around the world like one of those amazing dust storms you can see from miles away as it whirls its way toward the very ground you stand on. Suddenly you find yourself coughing and spluttering from the gritty air and you realise you haven’t brought your washing

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Exploring other Genres

Lately I’ve been toying with writing in different genres. I’m most comfortable with memoir, digging up stories from my past and expanding them through research. So far I’ve finished one manuscript which looks at the relationship I had with my father and attempts to uncover some of the secrets from

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Book review – The Dangerous Bride, Lee Kofman

The last week I have spent very little time writing and much more time reading. Reading is one of my favourite things to do and I grab spare moments in time, especially when commuting to and from work, to gulp down as much as I can. Now I have finished

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Sometimes I just think

There was a time I thought being a writer meant sitting at my computer for hours at a time tap, tap, tapping on the keyboard, producing pages of wonderfully crafted words. It is true I spend a fair amount of time at my computer but I have found I spend

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Literary Speed Dating

Yesterday I arrived at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne half an hour before the start time of my first Literary Speed Dating event, organised by the Australian Society of Authors. Wind the clock back five hours and I had just turned off my alarm after lying in bed for at

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