Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Fearing Fear Itself

Lately, the world seems to have shifted slightly on its axis. It appears many people are now leaning toward prejudice, hatred, bigotry and oppression. I don’t believe this is a sudden movement, nor do I believe it is a contemporary development. There is always some place on earth where someone

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A Good Time to Reorganise

January, being the first month of the year, seems to me an appropriate time to reorganise. Reorganise is defined by the online Cambridge Dictionary as “to organise something again in order to improve it”. And there are a few things in my life which need improving! I’m not limiting myself

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Reading to Write

“Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write” once said Annie Proulx, author of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Shipping News. As writers and wannabe writers and anyone who has ever contemplated putting pen to paper or tapping frantically on their keyboard knows,

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Happy New Year! Welcome 2017

Day one of 2017. So far, I’ve cleaned the house, done the laundry and made time for meditation and yoga and now I’m writing. Less stress and more creativity – they are my resolutions. Making time for myself and my writing. Taking time out from the world. Not running to

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Countdown to Christmas

Christmas is coming, The geese are getting fat, Please put a penny In the old man’s hat. Next Sunday Christmas is upon us and 2016 will be nearing an end. How surreal is that! It seems like yesterday I was popping a cork to welcome in this year and now

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Two weeks until Christmas

I have absolutely no idea what to blog about today. So, I thought I would write about how close we are to Christmas and how ill prepared I am. Two weeks to go and I’ve only just put my Christmas tree on the mantelpiece. Yes, you read it correctly. My

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