Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

We Need Westbeth Here

According to the Australia Council for the Arts report, Arts Nation: An Overview of Australian Arts 2015, in 2009 there were 44,000 practicing professional artists in Australia. The annual median income, taking into account all sources, for these artists was $35,900. Even in 2009, that would have barely paid the

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Becoming a Character

For me writing memoir isn’t easy, although I do enjoy certain aspects of it, like the research. I get satisfaction from finding out some new fact, or confirming some hypothetical line of thought. Despite this, the fun of research doesn’t quite compensate for the fact that the actual process of

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Family history – we all have a story

The word “history” has its origins in the Greek language, from words which stood for “learned”, “wise man” and “finding out”. One could almost say it is a wise man who finds out and learns about his story. I believe it is important for all of us to find out

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“We must be diligent today. To wait until tomorrow is too late. Death comes unexpectedly. How can we bargain with it?” Buddha And yet, I seem to be all too willing to procrastinate. It has been months since I’ve even looked at the memoir I’m meant to be writing. Sure,

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The Courage of Memoir

I am not a courageous person. I will go out of my way to avoid conflict. I will accept responsibility, even for things I haven’t done, to avert tension and unpleasant situations. Although I have been rebellious in many ways, I prefer my rebellions to be private. I don’t often

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Disciplining the self

I have spent the last week or so wondering if I am motivated enough to quit my job and attempt to make a living from writing. I still haven’t come up with a definitive answer, mainly because although I like the idea of being a full-time writer, I’m also drawn

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