Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Book written by Tatiana Botkin

A Book Over One Hundred Years Old, Fragile and Falling Apart

UPDATE November 2023!!! I am happy to announce that I have donated this book to the State Library of Victoria who will undertake to restore it. I hope to be kept in the loop as regards to the restoration and, if I am, I will share the updates here. #statelibraryvictoria

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Unidentified Fircks photograph

The frustrations of old unidentified family photographs

Is there anything more frustrating than inheriting a lot of family photographs which are not identifiable? I almost think it is worse to have photographs which only have one word on the back – and especially when that word is illegible. Such is the case with the photograph above. On

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Cleopatra Konstantinovna Martynov nee Countess Kleinmichel

From Glory to Sorrow, her life had many Challenges

Cleopatra Konstantinovna Martynov, neé Countess Kleinmichel, faced many challenges in life. She was the eldest sister of my grandmother, Olga Voronov. Cleopatra was born on 19 April 1886. I believe she was born at Ivnya, the Kleinmichel family estate, however her death certificate states Moscow. She died in France five

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