Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

New Year Resolutions

I have been seriously slack. I have not written anything for this blog for weeks. It isn’t because I haven’t known what to write about. It isn’t that I haven’t had time. It is because I have not been motivated. So, what would motivate me now? The date of course.

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Anthology Launch – A New Beginning

Yesterday the Writing Group I belong to launched their first anthology and one of my stories is in it! Women Who Write Melbourne is a wonderfully supportive group of over 600 women who are all interested in writing. We have a Facebook page where we can connect and discuss all

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I’m not sure there is anything more wonderful than holding a sleeping baby, especially when their fingers curl around the top of your shirt and they relax into the deepest of sleeps with a sigh. Unless it is the sudden rush of a toddler as he appears from nowhere and

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Phone down, but I’m not out

Bergen is a beautiful city, which I hope to visit again one day. Unfortunately, it will remain in my memory as the place where my phone crashed and I lost photos, videos and Apps. I have a confession to make. Not only do I have a Windows phone, but I

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Stress less, travel more

But what do you do when the travel stresses you? For a holiday which was meant to alleviate my stress, I’m feeling more stressed than when I left! First our flight from Cologne to Riga was cancelled. When I requested a refund, they rescheduled our flight to leave from Munich.

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Travel Writing

I admire the travel writer who can discipline themselves to write while they are travelling. Those whose very passion for a destination can enthuse complete strangers to visit it, in the hope of enjoying the same experiences. The likes of Bill Bryson and Paul Theroux come to mind, along with

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